whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nasty, Un-intended Consequences!

You know, I am willing to wonder whether politics makes us all dumber (see previous post). We want to solve problems, and we want simple solutions that can be easily implemented, but the problems aren't simple, and can't be easily solved. We are human beings - flawed, imperfect vessels. I think it's best to expect the worst, hope for the best. I do think we can blunder into doing the right thing. I guess that makes me a "liberal." I do believe in a better tomorrow, and social justice, and I do believe we can use  government to promote the things we think we should promote.

Government isn't always the solution, but sometimes it can be an effective tool. But also I realize there are limits to what we can do, and of course, there are some problems that will always be problems.

Politics is a game, a contest. You have two sides, each pretending they know more than they know, and they think the other guy is a fool.

I am not starry-eyed. I do think sometimes our motives are clean, and sometimes not. And we can do some really dumb counterproductive things… for instance…here's Kevin Drum's headline: "Since 9/11 We've had 4 Wars in the Middle East. They've All Been Disasters."

We have been busy. And it has been pretty counter-productive. Some people think killing other people is definitive, decisive. But there are all those nasty un-intended consequences...

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