whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Friday, January 02, 2015

Swimming Against the Tide!

Yes, so we are living in the future now. And the past. And the present too. The future seems really, really short. The past is ever expanding. And the present. It's basically one breath.

Sometimes I really feel "with it," and up to date. I don't live in the past, although much of my time and experience has been spent there.

But then sometimes I feel that I am "dated," lots of things that light up other people does not do a damn thing for me. And I realize this is what actually puts me out of step with the future now.

1. I hate CGI! I know it's getting better and better, and maybe at some point it will be so good we won't be able to tell whether a movie or TV scene is "real" or CGI, but today, you can tell, and I always notice, and I always think "That's CGI," and it always makes the scene or movie I'm watching less engaging. Not more.

2. Video Games - Not interested. Also movies that resemble video games? A total turn off. I do understand there is a generation of kids who love video games, who find them the most entertaining and engaging art form. I am not a gamer, and I don't see myself becoming one.

3. Digital Music Files - I hate them. Even if this is the new mode of listening to music, I'm just left cold by the whole experience. I love CD's and vinyl records, and for me, it's the only way to listen to music. I parked my iPod on a shelf, and it sits there untouched. I don't download music, legally or illegally. I don't care if it's easier, or cheaper, or the way music will be delivered to the masses. I choose not to play.

4. Spotify, Pandora, Etc. - I guess I understand that music streaming is probably the best way to hear lots of music, I mean all music, but I think this model rips off musicians, and songwriters, and I just can't support the model. I'd rather go out and buy music at my local record store. Make my own choices, bring the goods home.

5. EDM - Electronic Dance Music? Nope. Not interested. Don't dance, don't stand around in clubs watching a DJ spinning records, don't think it's cool. Don't get hammered. Certainly wouldn't listen to this stuff in my home!

6. Don't believe that if something is popular or viral it is necessarily good. I'm totally of the opinion that the most popular songs, or videos or articles or whatever are actually the lowest common denominator crap. I guess this is very much an "elitist," anti-populist stance. I proudly cling to it!

Maybe no. 6 is my most radical, out of step stance. Our culture has become some weird popularity contest. The most popular wins. Instead, I love the margins, the obscure, the hard to find, the hard to like, I gladly swim against the tide of populism!

Like I said, out of time, out of step!

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