whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Saturday, September 20, 2014

No Thanks U2!

Apple and U2. Synergy. A "win-win." What a great marketing coup. What an amazing licensing deal. 500 million iTunes users worldwide automatically "gifted" with U2's latest record. Wow.

Since I like Apple products (iMac, iPod, iPad) and I like U2's music (especially War, Unforgettable Fire, Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby, Zooropa, How To Dismantle and Atomic Bomb) you'd think I'd love this deal.

I don't. And I can understand an opinion piece like this: How U2 Became the Most Hated Band in America. I mean, as a member of a struggling r&r band, I can understand trying to maximize the market reach for your music. And I can't really criticize U2 for "selling out." That seems so "Old World Hippie!" A 100 million dollar licensing deal? You go Bono!

Cool and Uncool. It's a thin line. Love & Hate too. I do think U2 has kind of killed the golden goose. It's a little bit of that "who do they think they are?" I hate the idea that U2 basically is just another branch of a corporate behemoth. "Songs of Innocence" (is that a title of irony?!) is just a marketing gimmick.

I haven't listened to the music, who knows, maybe it's great, but I don't think I will listen to it. At least not for a long time. I vote to not participate. Not to listen. Not to enjoy. Not to take the gift.

Cool and Uncool. U2 has kind of passed over that magical line. I mean, I know lots of folks feel that point was passed long ago. I have hung in longer than most. Maybe there is a saturation point? A place where too much is just too much. I hated that Bono and Edge Broadway Spider Man debacle, and their showy Oscar shilling, and really, couldn't they just be a r&r band, make good music, and let it all just play out?

I can't cheer this on. It would be like rooting for the heavy favorite. Cheering on the Roman Empire to crush all the little people. I cannot throw my lot in with the Corporate Overlords, the 1% -ters... 

U2 is so big and popular, they can do whatever they want and millions will listen no matter what. You would think they could just concentrate on the music, and let the chips fall where they may. This smacks of trying way too hard. Sorry guys, no thanks!

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