Thursday, July 17, 2014

Energy and it's Uses - It Can Blow Your Mind!

There are many types of energy. I believe in energy. I believe that everything is, and holds, energy. All living things. All things. Animate and inanimate.

I think that energy is sometimes also called spirit.  I would define spirit as "non-corporeal energy." Anyway, I do think a person, or group of persons exude an energy, a spirit, at all times. And can they use this energy; they can direct it, they can change the energy, the spirit, of a room, or a situation. I think they can color a room, change the character of it.

Maybe they do this intentionally, if they are trained, or experienced in that way, or they can do it unintentionally, if they are not. Anyway we witnessed this phenomena last night.  A small group of people totally transformed a room. In the blink of an eye. It was quite impressive.

You might think this is kind of spooky, or voodoo-like, or maybe major mojo kind of stuff. And in a way, it is, but it's also very natural. It happens all the time. Sometimes we notice it, sometimes not. When you do notice, when it is done so intentionally, so forcefully, so expertly, it can blow your mind!