Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Choose Your Weapon!

Musicians follow musicians. And gear is a big part of the whole thing. The tools you choose to create your sounds already sort of defines you, sets up expectations, and carries on a tradition without you even playing a note.  There are always new instruments, outliers, but most of us end up with some of the old standbys.  The tools that have a history.

Yes, so if you play a Rickenbacker guitar you evoke the early Beatles, the Byrds, Tom Petty. I mean, even before you plug the thing in, and strum a chord, you are making an aesthetic choice that kind of colors whatever you are gonna do.

Same thing if you pick up a Les Paul. You are carrying on a tradition. Think (of course) Les Paul, Jimmy Page, Duane Allman, Neil Young. If you strap on a Telecaster you are following in the steps of Roy Buchanan, Bruce Springsteen, Steve Cropper, Keith Richards.

If it's a Stratocaster, well, you set the bar pretty damn high with Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton, and this guy (hat tip to Broken Hearted Toy)... some of you know him as Rich Cotovsky, some know him as Skid Marks... the Strat looks very comfortable in his capable hands...

By the way, I am playing a white Stratocaster on this whitewolfsonicprincess track... check out the instrumental break... I hear a little bit of Nile Rodgers... but I could be wrong...