whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Monday, March 03, 2014

Yes, it is Crazy!

There's always that crazy person, in the street, shouting, saying anything that comes into their head. We've all become like that crazy person. And we don't need to be in the street, no, we have smartphones, computers, we are always plugged in, with many avenues to carry our thoughts. We can always, always say what's on our minds. Lots of flotsam and jetsam. Lots of babble. Maybe sometimes it would be good to be silent. To not say what's on our minds. To keep the words, the thoughts, to ourselves. But that's not the "flavor" of our culture. No. We speak, we tweet, we rant, we let it all out. Like that crazy person. Maybe it doesn't seem so crazy if everyone is in the street shouting, trying to be heard over all the others, but it is, it's crazy.

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