Friday, July 26, 2013

Madness x 3 = Abbie 25

Yes, Mary Arrchie Theater's Abbie Hoffman Died for Your Sins Fest will be celebrating it's 25th year in August.  It's always a blast of theatrical madness, 3 days of non-stop performances. This year the fest will be hosted at The Den, and there will be 3 stages. So the madness will be multiplied by a factor of 3... the mind reels.

Our theater group, Black Forest, has decided to do 2 shows this year. One musical with theatrical flourishes, and one theatrical with musical flourishes, but please do not accuse us of doing "musical theater."  Anyway, we are scrambling to get these shows ready - learning lines, working out the staging, and hoping we can pull it all together in the nick of time!