Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gunnelpumpers CD Release Show!

We went to Martyrs last night to see our friends the Gunnelpumpers. It was a CD release party for their new CD called Montana Fix. Martyrs is probably one of the finest, if not the finest music club in Chicago. The sound was just the best we've ever heard, and we've spent lots of time, in lots of clubs, the last few years.

So it was the best place you can imagine to hear the Gunnelpumpers. And they are amazing, inspiring, unique. Instrumental music: funky, cerebral, groovy, noisy, ethereal.  They are led by two Bass players. One of them also plays with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Last night there were six Gunnelpumpers, although, just about every time we've seen them their lineup is slightly different. Last Night it was  two basses, one drum-kit, one guitar, one various percussion, one tabla.  Throw in a digeradoo and you got it! 

These guys are seriously great musicians. And you can see they love to play together. And this band is primarily, and joyfully improvisational, although for this show they played tracks off the new CD. And the CD itself is a sonic beast.  Anyway, it was great show!