Wednesday, April 17, 2013

While We Can

Up early, drinking coffee, listening to the radio.  And it's all death all the time on the radio this morning.  The Iron Lady has turned to rust, and is being laid to rest.  And the victims of the bombs in Boston are being mourned.  

There's actually a story on the radio that reminds us that death waits for us all, and there's just no getting around it!

Good Morning!  

You do sometimes wonder if maybe you could be the exception. Maybe there is some way you can get out of it. Maybe death will just overlook you, somehow you will skate.  Maybe that's why we like that Jesus myth.  If he shook off the mortal coil, and then rocketed up to another realm, well, that's kind of cool, isn't it? And maybe there's a slim possibility we can do it too.

That's a pretty slim reed to stake your hopes on.  So yes, death. It's coming, for sure, no doubt.  So, we must get on with living while we can.