Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Stupidity of Proverbs Leads to Some Kind of Stupid Wisdom! Be Wise, Be Stupid!

This post from Bruce Sterling regarding Žižek on Proverbs is enlightening.  Finding posts like this one is one of the reasons I love the internet. Of course there are reasons to hate the internet too.  

The love: There is a vast sea of voices, an over-stuffed ocean of amazing, confounding and numbing Tower of Babel-like conversations just a few keystrokes away.

The hate: there's lots of dreck and time-wasting garbage too. Our task is to surf like a master surfer boy, and to find the hidden gems. Here's Žižek on the stupidity of proverbs:
“If, finally, one simply gets perplexed by all these reversals and claims: “Life is an enigma, do not try to penetrate its secrets, accept the beauty of its unfathomable mystery!” the result is, again, no less profound than its reversal: “Do not allow yourself to be distracted by false mysteries that just dissimulate the fact that, ultimately, life is very simple – it is what it is, it is simply here without reason and rhyme!”
“Needless to add that, by uniting mystery and simplicity, one again obtains a wisdom: “The ultimate, unfathomable mystery of life resides in its very simplicity, in the simple fact that there is life.” ”