Monday, April 15, 2013

The Gift that's Given

There is so much you are "given." We don't know who or what is the giver. We can speculate. And we do.

We are given this body. Which grows and changes. With all it's special features. A complex structure of organs that work together.  You try to maintain it. Treat it well. But it's on it's own trajectory. And it develops and morphs to a hidden plan.

There's also this "dream-world" that emerges, is given to you, when you sleep. It's this vast land of images that bubble up unbidden. You awake and try to process, or try to forget. You are a witness. A participant in events that seem to be conjured up by another hand.

You are given this gift of life.  It's an amazing, renewing gift. It's stunning. It's all consuming. It's mind-blowing. But there are no instructions. The purpose, the mission, the reason of this gift isn't explained. Although you will get lots of advice and "guidance," from everyone. And can watch what others do with their gifts.

The gift comes wrapped in a mystery. It is an enigma. You use the gift as best you can. But you are never sure if you are using it wisely or foolishly, or if your use of it, is to the point, or besides the point. You just don't know. You can never really be sure. And really, know one else can tell you.