Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Fellow Travelers

There are some people you know in this world, this big old world stuffed with people and things; there are some people you know, not many, probably not even a "handful," who you can rightly call "fellow travelers."  They are on a journey, just like you are on a journey. It's not the same journey, the particulars, the times and places and choices and results are different, but the general thrust or gist of the journey is very similar. 

They are creative, they are adventurers, they are always trying new things, and doing new things, and making interesting, challenging choices. And you always check in with each other, just to see how the journey is unfolding. These are people you are so aligned with - spiritually, creatively. They laugh and smile and talk about the difficulties of their lives as so much mulch that will be discarded or used to fuel another creative break-through. And there are always "successes" too. And they are mulch too.

And these folks are so alive.  The flame inside, their "inner light" is blazing away.  This is unusual, and inspiring to see. And it's an echo and reflection of your inner world too.  It's kind of validating. And the flame, the light has affinity with flames and light, and they feed each other. So sometimes we get together. Sometimes we sit at a table, we share food, we talk, we laugh, we check in with each other.

It's sort of a ritual, sort of ritualistic, but it's done as just the most simple, logical thing to do. Still it's really almost sacramental. But there's no pomp, no circumstance. No posing. It's a holy, beautiful thing. But it's as simple and clean and pure as a green scarf. A shining pair of blue eyes. A beautiful, truly genuine smile. A warm, soulful hug.

We walk away with a feeling of renewal. We may not know exactly where we are all going. But that's okay. We will have more to share the next time. No matter what happens.