Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's all just a vibe!

I wrote about tuning a guitar here.  You can tune a guitar, but you can't tune a fish... right? Well actually that fish is tuned to it's own frequency.  Everything living, everything in the universe, has it's own special vibration. Tuning is a complex issue. I mean, you think it's pretty simple. Tune your guitar strings to certain frequencies, certain vibrations and then you are done.  But guess what?! There are many variables and options, and you are never quite there.

And even inanimate objects are vibrating... according to a musician friend of ours, the Earth itself is vibrating and emitting a sound sort of like a gong!  It's at a frequency that we can't hear, but it's there, doing it's thing... strange, cool... weird... vibrations!