Friday, March 15, 2013


One thing you learn from many years of doing theater - you create and destroy.  You develop a new piece. You put together a group of actors, a production, you run the show, and then "blow it up." Destruction is part of the process.

You have to clear the energy. It's the only way to evolve, the only way to do a "new" thing, even if there really is no new thing under the sun.  I do have a knack for the destruction side of the equation, sometimes my ability to destroy is more finely-honed than the creation side.

But they go hand in hand.  It's the same urge. To create the new, to destroy the old. To foster growth, to cut out the dead wood. And just about like anything else, you need to find the balance.  And you need to not get too attached, even to the things you want to be attached to.

So yes, sometimes the destruction, the letting go is hard.  That might be a clue that you are on the right track. And the creating part can be hard too. It's best when it's not hard either way. But the process is the process. That's just the way.