Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Snow-balls Upside the Head - Holy!

If you've walked around on the planet for awhile, and you are a lucky sod, you get to meet, and to know some extra-ordinary people.  They are out there.  In all walks of life.  Just people.  People who do whatever.  People who are just people. Beautiful, amazing, contradictory, over-powering...

They might be moms, or work in offices, or any other kind of thing.  But if you are lucky, you get to know them, and their unique, amazing-ness.  These are the ones with that "inner light" turned way up high.  They don't always blaze away, but when they do, it will take your breath away.  And make you happy to be alive, and to know such beings.

Anyway, one of those extra-ordinary ones tipped me to this amazing video yesterday.  Written and performed by Derrick Brown. You must watch this video... absolutely beautiful, touching, life-affirming and true.  You realize this kind of short-form video is a perfect vehicle for enlightened, illuminated poetry.  And this one is married to some gorgeous imagery, and beautiful music from Mogwai... phenomenal!