Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"He will sell your ass to the highest bidder..." - C. Pierce

It's actually starting to "pain me" to hear and see Mitt Romney walking and talking.  A truly unappealing presence.  I don't like being lied to. The man makes my skin crawl.  Sort of like seeing those creepy crawlies scurrying across the floor.

One thing I am grateful for this election season... I discovered the wonderful writing of Charles Pierce.  Insightful and entertaining.  Just brilliant!

"That is what history always has told us about the career of Willard Romney: sooner or later, he will sell your ass out to the highest bidder and walk away whistling in the general direction of anything to which he feels entitled. In this case, that would be the leadership of the Free World." - C. Pierce

I am so looking forward to Obama's 2nd term.  And I look forward to seeing Romney heading back to his mansion to polish his gold bars.  Please Mr. Romney go home!