Sunday, February 12, 2012

Other-Worldly Sonic Space

Over the years, most of our creative work has been in the realm of theater.  But the last few years we've really put major amounts of focus and energy into music with our band whitewolfsonicprincess...

We have played music on the streets, in parks, on the beach, in living rooms, kitchens, up in the attic, in low-down punk bars, bright and shiny sports bars, little, shady, raw and funky rooms, cavernous antiseptic places, also, art galleries, theater lobbies, black box theaters, little storefront spaces, outdoor fests...

This coming Friday we will be playing in a Church.  This is one of those majestic cathedral-like spaces.  An amazing, soaring space, with a 70 ft ceiling.  The acoustics are just other-worldly.  Usually it is reserved for organ music and a full-fledged choir, but we will be putting on a rock and roll concert.

We were in there last night doing a full blown sound-check and band rehearsal.  It's just the most amazing, lively sonic space you can imagine.  Little sounds wafted and reverberated with such a full sonic kick.  Big sounds just washed over us like rich and lively waves of sound.  The natural sonic reverb is just over-powering.

We were a little worried about being swallowed up in such a big, majestic space, but it turns out it's probably the best room you could ever imagine to hear and play music.  This should be inspiring!