Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Clearing!

Sometimes success blows relationships apart.  You read about it and see it all the time.  And sometimes failure does it too.  Really bad shit happens, or maybe even not so bad shit happens, and the stress of the moment does funny things to people's heads.

People's insecurities, and foibles and disenchantments come to the fore, and all kinds of raging emotions come pouring out.  It's times like these where you find out of what kind of stuff people are made.  All of us are a complex and mixed up collection of oddities and deformities.

And when something happens, and a person turns, revealing something they've never revealed before, well, it's always interesting, and surprising,  and sometimes inspiring, or sometimes disappointing, even when it shouldn't be.   It's always just a very human being thing.

And Jesus, or Buddha, or the Dali Lama will remind us that we must forgive...

But you know, life is short, and there are always surprising turns coming around the bend, and if someone turns on you in the heat of the moment, in the depths of the down, if they lash out, kick others out of spite or fear or whatever, well,  you know, if you find you can't really count on them, or consider them worth spending time with, that's when you gather yourself together, take a deep breath, and summon those trusty all purpose words that come easily to the lips like a salmon to the surface:  Fuck That Guy!"

It's an excellent time-saver, and a clearing to boot!  And of course there are many fish in the sea, and plenty others who you can call "friend."  At least until the next crisis erupts!