Monday, January 09, 2012

Something is Happening

It's funny.  It happened with our Theater group, and now it seems to be happening with our band, whitewolfsonicprincess.  People are beginning to really pay attention.  They are listening, and hearing, and remembering who we are, and coming out specifically to see us.

It's a subtle shift.  And it's been gradual.  But it's happening.  I mean we are still playing for tiny groups of people (I hesitate to use the word crowds), but the energy of the shows has shifted.  It's like suddenly people really are seeing us, and discovering the music. 

And they are enthusiastic in their support!

Maybe we're a better band?  Maybe we're more confident in the songs?  Maybe we've played better venues?  Maybe people just are kind of waking up to us?  Not sure what is happening, but something is happening.  And it's good.