Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Enthusiastic and Profoundly Confused

I'm the type of person who doesn't just decide to give up drinking lattes and switching to green tea, no, I'm the type of person who decides to give up the Latte Religion and take up the Green Tea Religion!

Which means lots and lots of green tea.  And thoughts running through my head telling myself how good green tea is, and how it's gonna change my life, and how healthy I'm gonna be.  And I don't just make myself a cup of green tea, no I make two cups and drink them down with gusto!

But I am also the type of person who hedges his bets.  I still have my pot of coffee in the morning.  Before I kneel down to the great Tea Goddess, I partake of my home-brewed coffee as usual.  It's just the rest of the day I give myself over to the tea leaves.

Yes, I'm that type of person.  Enthusiastic and profoundly confused!