Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt! Go Ass-Clown Go!

I myself am surprised by how entertaining the GOP primaries have been so far.  It's kind like watching a Zombie Death Match; Brain-Dead Zombies knocking each other around a boxing ring, all for the enjoyment of the predominantly Angry White Guy (and Gal) voters, who are salivating at the chance to rally behind their favored Zombie candidate and then take on that Militant Kenyan Socialist Rabble-Rouser in November.

And I suppose I'm most entertained by the candidacy of Newt Gingrich.  In my book, the man is a supremely transparent hypocrite and liar.  He's a noxious gas-bag.  He is channeling the Angry White Guy, he is a man who is in love with his own voice, and he will literally say anything!  He is a piece of shit for sure.

What's funny, he may be a Teflon Zombie!  You cannot really insult the man.  Whatever bad thing you think and say about him, the reality of the man, and his record, and his thought, is actually worse than you can imagine!

So yes, no doubt, Newt is a fraud, a fool, an ass-clown, a noxious gas-bag, a hypocrite, a liar, a supremely toxic and corrosive energy unleashed upon the land.   But no matter what you say about Newt, he is actually worse than that!  And that is precisely why these GOP voters are voting for him!

Newt!  Go Ass-Clown Go!