Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fear and Contempt - Fear and Loathing Redux

Fear and contempt too.  Yes, Kevin Drum tells us that Newt is not only channeling anger, he is the prefect embodiment of a class of folks who are seething with fear and contempt.  That's certainly a potent mix.

Watching all this is sort of like watching a car wreck.  You are horrified and fascinated simultaneously.  And you feel bad that you actually are witnessing it all.  Somehow you are implicated too.

I am convinced Newt will implode, partly because of his impressive mass of contradictions - one body cannot withstand so much hypocrisy, and partly because of his massive ego - you can only blow up the balloon so big.

All this attention to Newt is feeding the beast, and will pump his ego to such massive proportions that finally the Newt gas-bag will blow up in a fiery blast just like the Hindenburg.

Newt is just so Nixonian.  He is certainly from the Tricky Dicky school of politics.  First time tragedy, second time comedy.  Except this is a comedy where real people fall down and break bones.

You kind of wish the young Hunter S. Thompson were on the campaign trail this season...