Monday, September 12, 2011

Tune Out the Gloom

I had to tune out the gloom yesterday.  Yes, really bad things happened.  And will happen again.  That seems to be part of what living is all about.

And we can't forget, or bury our heads in the sand.  No, we have to do our best to see clearly.  And acknowledge that we just don't know, and can't comprehend it all.

But I'm not good a wallowing in negativity.  Just goes against my grain.  So, we observed the anniversary by getting our band together at the Music Garage to blast through Neil Young songs in anticipation of our show this coming Saturday.

I do have a major Neil Young obsession.  I love playing his songs.  When our band kicked in, and the voices came together it propelled me into seventh heaven.  That's something worth remembering too!