Sunday, September 25, 2011

Telepaths in Chinatown

We found ourselves in a very unlikely place last night.  I guess I would describe it as an Asian Techno bar in Chicago's Chinatown. Sort of Clockwork Orange meets Blade Runner meets WHAT?!

It was a benefit for a young filmmaker raising funds for a new work.

The Telepaths played an unlikely acoustic set in this most unlikely setting. The act directly before us was a young, hot, Asian Chick playing cool beats and lush soundscapes on her laptop.  She was exactly the right act in the right place.

Three of the Telepaths - two acoustic guitars and our lead vocalist got up next.  We pushed our "garage rock" into the night.  We did a tight little set of some of our best originals.  We were totally into the fractured weirdness of the moment.

The audience was polite.  

We were definitely like fish out of water.  Yes, that was the ticket. We flopped around, and did our r&r thing, mouths gasping for air, taking big gulps and spitting it back out with conviction.  

It was all kind of weird.  Chinatown!