Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Creaky Stage

Yes, well, the world's a stage, and the stage seems to be a little creaky and it's shaking, and the planks are coming undone.  Still we must play and strut about, because well, that's what we do.

And just how do we want to play the scene?  Well, the script has been abandoned, it seems this is all just an improv now.  So be quick on your feet, listen and just say "yes."  It might get you into trouble, or it might just get you to the next scene.

And what kind of play is this anyway?  There are lots of opinions from all quarters, which everyone is pleased to lay on your head, but no one seems to have a hold on the truth, if there is a truth.  The truth is, dare I venture, well, the truth is that this is just a play, and well, that is all.

All we can do is carry on and hope the stage holds until the curtain falls.  Is there a curtain?  Does it ever fall?  Who knows?