Friday, September 09, 2011

The Political Junk

Yeah, I listened to the big speech on the radio.  Accidentally.  I was planning on missing it.  Trying to wean myself off the political junk.  But, I tuned in and that man's voice was radiating across the radio waves.  

So I listened.  The guy can certainly do some excellent speechifying.  Maybe one of our best speech makers ever.

And you wonder, do words have meaning and import and staying power, and can they create new realities?  I guess we will see.  But as Kevin Drum highlights in his post about the speech...

"The GOP has created a political feedback loop that is calculated to destroy President Obama’s credibility as a change agent. They’ve figured out that when government is gridlocked and sclerotic, even silly and absurd, no one in Washington comes out smelling like a rose. No one seems reasonable, because nothing gets done. The reasonable man just looks weak."

So, yeah, the guy's opponents are dead set against doing anything, especially anything the guy wants to do.  They think gridlock and a bad economy works in their favor.  The country be damned!

Those GOPers should be held to account!  Wake up America!