Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lombardi Counsels

Vince Lombardi always counseled: "run to daylight!"  I have always taken the advice to heart.  Give me a glimmer, even just a tiny, fading glimmer of light and I will run to it, no doubt.

I know there's that moth to the flame thing.  And there's the Icarus thing too.  But hell, sometimes you have to choose your life-narrative, your guiding myth, and just go for it! 

So even a glimmer of daylight is worth celebrating!

I must admit I used to hate Lombardi, I mocked him.  I denied him.  I thought he was put on a pedestal by the worst of the advocates of "positive thinking."

But then the light, yes, the light dawned! And those simple bromides just stuck!