Tuesday, August 30, 2011

This Life-Time it's Hair!

The Lovely Carla has convinced me that I have come back this life-time to work out my "hair issues." This life-time it's all about hair for me.

Maybe I was bald in another life. Or, maybe I was beheaded. Or maybe I had curly hair, but badly wanted straight hair. Maybe.

My hair has a mind of it's own. And I'm always in battle with it. It doesn't matter: long, short, or medium length. It is unmanageable! And it always sort of looks silly. Like it doesn't really belong on my head.

I guess I should just be grateful that I have hair. Although, ever since Michael Jordan it seems like a shiny bald head is pretty cool.

Still I have my hair, and I must live with it. It's my mission this time around.

A Bodhisattva is an enlightened being who comes back to this realm to help other beings find Nirvana. That seems a little ambitious, I am trying to get my hair to behave!