Monday, August 29, 2011

Grand Consciousness Changer!

Seems we are always rooting for the UNDERDOG! Must somehow be imprinted into our neural networks. Or... something ...

So we were in the kitchen on a Sunday evening talking about the state of the Universe, the state of Humanity, and the all twisted knots with which we have tied ourselves up.

There is a pervasive bleakness that sort of envelops us like a big, black, cloud during any conversation about our wacky modern (Or is it post-modern?) situation.

When all is said and done, there doesn't seem to be any elegant way out of the muck. Finally we are left to root for some kind of GRAND CONSCIOUSNESS CHANGER, some kind of new period of enlightenment, something we can't even imagine, that will descend upon humanity, and then suddenly everything will change, humanity will improbably and finally see the light!

Seems sort of unlikely, but that is where our hope hides out... we root for the unlikely, the unseen, the unknown; we root for the UNDERDOG view to over-take us and to transform humanity and it's view of the world.