Friday, August 19, 2011

Talking to People in the Heartland

The last few days I've talked to some folks that I usually don't talk to. A couple Midwestern Moms. They are bummed out. Worried about their much less valuable houses, worried about their constantly vanishing 401Ks, worried about their just going to college kids, worried about a dim future.

I know Moms are worriers, but these particular Moms have typically been happy, dynamic, funny and friendly. I detected a little bit of panic in their voices at how things are rolling out. I think when a country loses the Midwestern Moms, it is in big time trouble. You sort of need people to believe that the future will be a better place. Not a yawning black hole of death!

And then that little Dude with the beard keeps hammering on how we haven't learned a damn thing from history or economics. When there is panic in the air, people cling to their prejudices - and this goes for politicians and economists too.

Lots of stupidity, lots of denialism, lots of blinkered thinking. I think that's how a country goes off the cliff... look out below!