Thursday, August 18, 2011

Strangled by The Bow-Tie!

This Bow-Tie post by John Robb is revelatory. We kind of intuited that the Global Financial Network was a rigged game, but didn't know if it was just another manifestation of our normal state of paranoia!

It is great to see that someone actually studied the network and presents the evidence. How scientific and real world of them!

So while the politicians dither, and kick the shins of the poor people of the world, we find that the real problem is a "cancer" at the heart of the global system!

"It is in effect, the world's first super-organism. 147 trans-national companies that the global core that is owned by itself (3/4 of the ownership of firm's in this organism are owned by firms in the organism). This organism is beyond governments. If it is self serving (and this shouldn't be too hard to assume), it is the equivalent of a biological cancer that has metastasized." - J. Robb