Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sensible Middle Mirage!

I'm a political junkie. I'd like to kick the habit. It's an annoying, frustrating, boring and a pretty much useless addiction. I blame Richard Nixon and Hunter S. Thompson. They fired my imagination long ago and the embers have faded over the years but have never died...

So I actually tuned in the radio to Obama's broken ceiling speech last night. And listened incredulously to Boehner's speech too. There is so much hot air devoted to such a ridiculous, arbitrary and absurd topic.

I am beginning to really feel sorry for my Obama. He is appealing to the sensible middle of the nation, but the sensible middle is just a chimera, a mirage. So pity for Obama. Which is not a good thing. He has been reduced to begging the American public to start acting like grown ups and to demand that their representatives start acting like grown ups too. Sort of a pathetic, Don Quixote-like stance.

And Boehner is at war. He is at war with Obama, flinging lies and ridiculous lines of attack. His stance is shameless and ridiculous. And he has leverage. What a revolting development...

The mind reels. What next? Can this possibly end well? Will the Republic live? How will Obama rise up above the muck? Stay tuned. But only if you have the same sad addiction...