Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Let's just sniff each other's butts and fix things!"

I do think Krugman is right!


We have a political dog-fight where one dog is all about compromise and "getting along," ("Let's just sniff each other's butts and fix things!") while the other dog is biting and scratching and howling like a banshee.

And the press, and a vast percentage of the pundits on the sidelines decide that both dogs are to blame. This is silly and wrong and insane too. And they are contributing to the destruction of the Country!

And then on a personal note, I realize that I have a lot more invested (emotionally and intellectually) in MY OBAMA, than he does in me... This is not a good dynamic! My health and well-being aren't even on his radar screen or on his political agenda.

I mean, he keeps quoting Ronald (expletive deleted) Reagan. I mean, I used to think it was a clever rhetorical ploy, but now I'm beginning to think Reagan is actually Obama's role model. YIKES!

So I root for this guy, I wave my Flag of Hope, I get emotionally wrapped up in him "winning the day," when the actual solution, the plan that he's proposing is a load of shite too!