Sunday, July 03, 2011

Radiohead the Best of Something!

My latest musical obsession: Radiohead's "In Rainbows." Finally got to it. I mean, I know I'm late to the party, but my obsessions work on their own time-clock.

I always forget how great this band is, and how baffling too. I mean, they work in a totally different sonic territory than any other band out there.

They are a hard to figure band. I mean, how they make their songs, and how inventive they are, and how their music seems un-graspable. Their songs do not remind me of anyone else's songs. I can't name one of their songs, can't hum a melody, can't sing a chorus. Their album seems like one long sonic landscape. It's not music that I would or could make.

Thom Yorke is a really great vocalist in a non-great way. He's unlike anyone else I can think of. This band is the best of something. Not sure what. Maybe they are just amazing, great, creative, musicians, artists, making something no one else even envisions doing. I mean, they really push the sonic envelope. And they mix all kinds of crazy-ass sounds and somehow pull it off seamlessly. Amazing, thrilling stuff.

Breath-taking. Head-scratching too. And did I mention they make me smile?