Saturday, July 02, 2011

Kitchen Is Not Carnegie Hall!

The bank foreclosed on the building and kicked out all the tenants last year. So we had to move out of our cool performance space. Haven't found a new space yet. Looking for a sweet deal, or really a very generous and Enlightened Patron. One can wish, right?

So the last year our band has been meeting in our kitchen for rehearsals. This is not as crazy or stupid as it sounds. We can actually fit our band in the space, and the acoustics are pretty sweet. We have a p.a. set up for vocals, a bass amp, a guitar amp, and our drummer brings his hand drum.

We actually had some guests last night to hear our session. It was all quite nice. Not exactly Carnegie Hall but, hell, it works. And there's a refrigerator for cold drinks and our toaster is handy just in case anyone wants toast.