Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mint 2 Carlins - Crisis Solved!

So in yesterday's post we solved the debt ceiling crisis by minting two one trillion dollar platinum coins, emblazoned with the image of that great stand-up guy George Carlin (maybe it should be a medium distance shot with George smiling and giving us the finger?!?! ).

What a brilliant fucking idea!

I propose Obama gets a big piggy bank which he displays prominently on his White House desk, and he deposits those two coins in it, and starts writing checks to all the little grandmas waiting for their social security, and all the other poor working stiffs, and needy souls who still count on somebody sometime doing the right fucking thing!

I love this idea for lots of reasons! 1. End of crisis! 2. Maybe then all those assholes in Washington will just SHUT UP! 3. It shows us all the shared hallucination we call MONEY!

I mean it all really is a shared delusion that all that grubby paper and credit really exists. We all play the game, people stake their lives on it, but really it is just a game. We (the government) can always print up more money! It has value only if we think and pretend it has value. Wake up people! Let's play! Let's make up new rules that work for all of us!

Maybe if we all saw the money game as a game, as a farce, we could re-make our lives around things of real value... like those invisible things - love, spirit, joy, the simple crazy pleasures of life! New motto: Fuck the Money!