Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Letter to Arc Angel

Dear Arc Angel - The question you must ask yourself: how much humiliation can one being withstand? Just a reminder: humiliation is a state of disgrace, a loss of self-respect. The first part of the definition concerns those who know you, the second part concerns your own inner picture of your self.

Scars, broken bones, failures of every kind make up a life. How do you weather the weather? Can you stand up, face the music, take the humiliating blows, the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?"

Be careful. Do not puff yourself up. The loss of self-respect is probably the hardest cut. You can handle the opprobrium from the gathered masses. They are the baying hounds of mediocrity. They are simply herd animals. Their job is to shun those who are different, those who seem weak, those who stand out for their shiny heads and bright colors.

The self-respect part is hard to get around. There you need some serious work. What is your life? Who are you? What do you want? What is your purpose? Do you understand to your core that although you live and die in the physical realm, you are on a spiritual journey?

Your sense of self is malleable, it can morph, it can shrink and grow. It all depends on the circumstances in which you find yourself. If you must crawl, crawl! If you must beg forgiveness, beg! If you must beg for mercy, beg some more!

So be it. You can't actually die from too much humiliation. And the humiliation is not permanent. It is only a dark cloud in which you have temporarily lost your way.