Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Round and Round

Yeah, well "planned obsolescence" comes to us from industrial design, where a product is built to become obsolete or non-functional over time; a product with a limited useful life.

But of course, industry learned this concept from nature. We build a better mousetrap, nature builds a better mouse. Nature keeps generating forms and individuals within these forms and they live and crash and burn, and then more forms and more individuals, and it all just churns along.

You see carcasses along the road. A little starling kicked out of the nest too early, all mouth and long spindly legs, trying to brave the elements alone. A storm comes and well, he just isn't gonna make it.

He becomes mulch or fuel for another round of life. It's seems sort of cruel, but it's part of a larger, grander design. And of course, we're part of that design too.

No judgement. It's not really a failure, although it might look like it. Just life and death and death and life, round and round it goes.