Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday Night Calculus: 2 Busts and 1 Rousing Success

Yeah, well, the Rapture was a bust. Maybe God got bored, or he's dead like Nietzsche said, or he just didn't think any of us qualified to be raptured up!

I guess we're just stuck here with each other for the duration. Let's make the best of it!

Animal Kingdom was a bust too. No Triple Crown horse this year. I've watched from the sidelines this year. Didn't get a Racing Form, didn't do any analyzing, didn't make any wagers. The simplicity of Bartelby's "I prefer not to."

But our Bob Dylan Birthday Bash was a smashing success. 14 acts, 30 Dylan songs, a packed coffee house, lots of rousing, beautiful and heartfelt performances.

We have actually created a little roving community of artists/musicians who all support and inspire each other. And we've been lucky to draw a large enthusiastic audience for our events.

What nice vision, a little utopia of like-minded people here on this little spinning planet. Sort of like a little piece of heaven - but oh so human.