Saturday, May 21, 2011

Jesus Was a Long-Haired, Socialist, Jew

So much for the Rapture. Too much ink and energy devoted to a bunch of freaking bible-thumping idiots. I did my share of bible studying during my enforced Catholic up-bringing and the guy I read about was not a Conservative, Republican, Tea-Partying, Asshole.

I came across this Left Behind Dude in the Daily Beast and he really pissed me off. He throws around the word "socialist" like it's a dirty word. It's not. He accuses Obama of being a "socialist," he clearly is not. The Dude that he professes to believe in was more of a socialist than our current President!

To state the obvious, that Jesus guy in the New Testament was a long-haired rebel. He had a soft spot in his heart for hookers and wine. He seemed to like dead people too. He lived in a commune with a group of shaggy-headed men, they shared bread and wine, they liked to party, they liked to stir up shit. They challenged the status quo. And they hated rich people!

He was a goddamned, dirty, hippie preaching love and forgiveness!

Jesus and his Disciples were Jewish. They did not know anything about "Christianity;" that was a later invention that pretty much corrupted and subverted whatever that Crazy-Ass Dude was preaching. He was a strange and interesting character who got nailed to a tree for his beliefs.

Jesus was a long-haired, Socialist, Jew! Deal with that Born-Againers!