Saturday, April 09, 2011

Recording Session #6

Still working on a new set of music with Victor Sanders at his Lakeview studio. We had a special guest for our recording session #6: Steve Gibons, an amazing Chicago violinist who heads up the Gypsy Rhythm Project. Steve laid down some beautiful sounds on three of our new tracks.

Steve is an intense, soulful presence. He came in, put the headphones on, and brought his "magic." It was so inspiring. Humbling. Steve brought pure beauty and poetry to the task.

It all happened in a very focused flurry. We didn't know what he was going to do. He ran through the tracks a couple of times and just gave it his all.

We were so grateful. Speechless. Sometimes music can elevate you to another consciousness. Steve's performance took us all to another place. Breath-taking, poetic, beautiful...