Sunday, April 10, 2011

Little Picture/Big Picture

When I concentrate on "the little picture" things seem pretty good. Roof over my head, food on my plate, making music, writing, keeping my head clear.

When I concentrate on "the big picture" things don't seem so good. Billions of us on a planet that seems stressed out. The planet has a fever and we are the pesky little germs. Multiplying like we're going out of style.

You wonder, have we "topped out" as a species? And can we really "think as a species" to come to some kind of consensus about keeping the game going in a life-affirming way for all living things?

We are good at the individual thing, and the tribal thing, and the nation thing. But can we work together as a species to make sure we all thrive in a sustainable way? Can we really even think that way?

That's kind of an open question for a Sunday morning...