Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't Need No Stinking Hell, Heaven Neither!

Maybe Ross Douthat is a smart, principled, catholic, conservative, but some of his columns for the New York Times just come across as a kind of parody of a smart, principled, catholic, conservative.

Is this dude kidding?*

This one about hell, had me laughing, and scratching my head. I mean do we really need hell to make us more human? Do we really need the threat of eternal damnation to give our lives and the choices we make a certain gravitas? Do we need the threat of punishment hanging over our heads in order to fill our lives with kindness and grace?

And as long as we are on the subject, do we really need heaven? Do we need the promise of a reward after shuffling off this mortal coil in order to live with love for ourselves and our fellow sentient beings?

Do we really need to believe this stuff to be decent and fulfilled and "moral?" I think not Dear Pilgrim. And just where do we go when we die? Don't really know. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was kind of like that place we were before we were born.

Be here now. Sometimes it may seem long, but it's brief. And can end at any time. Love it.

* If you are a pious, rule-following Catholic you are to believe that the ascetic, flesh and blood, Hindu, holy man M. Gandhi is in hell because he wasn't baptized, and he didn't think Jesus was exactly the bomb. And there must be a hell because Tony Soprano, a fictional HBO character, can't be admitted into heaven. HUH?!