Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bush's Gulag

I've dipped my toe into the festering cesspool, the NYT articles on Gitmo. I think you can judge a society on how it treats the weakest and most vulnerable among us. That would include the poor, the indigent old, the immigrants and the lowest of the low, our imprisoned, suspected terrorist enemies. There are supposedly some really, really bad actors at Gitmo, but it's hard to tell the good guys, the bad guys, the guilty, the innocent, amidst the human degradation.

A civil, moral, society ruled by laws would not have built and maintained a torture center like Gitmo. Crimes against humanity were carried out in a systematic way. It's sickening and corrosive. And even though it was done in our name, and done for our "security" it shows a brutal madness beyond the pale. Did it really make us safer?

Supposedly the torture has stopped under Obama. But who really knows? Gitmo stands. We are all darkened by the shadow of that horrific gulag.