Friday, March 18, 2011

Wondrous Machinery

The Fat-Cat Wizards of Authority are behind the curtain, working their wondrous machinery, trying to convince all the little people, the down-trodden masses, that everything is okay.

Life on the street seems to be telling another story. And the divergence between what the rich ones want us to know and think, and what we are learning and thinking on our own, seems to be expanding.

And maybe the wondrous machinery isn't so wondrous anymore. And maybe once all the down-trodden ones realize they are being tricked by elaborate fakery, maybe those Wizards of Authority won't appear so authoritative anymore.

The curtain is pulled back more and more often, showing the Fat-Cats in all their reality-denying glory. And maybe the down-trodden ones will start to look around and count their numbers.

And maybe they will come to realize that the Rich Ones aren't rich because of good luck or divine right, but because the game is rigged, and the rich are rich because the poor are poor.

There are the few with all the money, and the many with their sore feet and tired arms and empty hands and new-seeing eyes and hungry mouths. And maybe one day the light-bulb blinks on, and they click their heels together and RISE UP!