Thursday, March 17, 2011

Circle of Empowerment

Strangelovian nightmares were dancing in my head yesterday. Maybe it was all those early years hiding under my school desk coming back in full force?! Even as a small child, I knew that hiding under a desk was a kind of lame and panicky way of dealing with a nuclear holocaust.

And there is a certain cold logic that a dark radiating plague would be a result of a series of unforeseen "accidents" and not a mad act of martial malevolence.

We had sunny blue skies in the heartland yesterday. No dark clouds of radiation in sight. Still a major uneasiness hung over me even as I basked in the sun (armed with a hat, sunglasses and SPF 30). Serious events unfolding a long way away just make me feel even smaller and more helpless than usual.

I'm left with my own little life and the few meager things I can control. I can rearrange my meagers! It's a little circle of empowerment, (sort of like a friendly noose), which seems to get smaller and more hermetic every day. Still, it's a life!