Saturday, February 26, 2011

Qaddafi the Swamp Thing!

What is it about isolation; too much power, time and money? What happens to the human brain? Think Howard Hughes, Kim Jong Il, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Phil Spector, Idi Amin...

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely...

So yes, it's nice to see the Dictators toppling like dominoes. These guys have kept too many people under too many thumbs. I hope the streak continues.

The latest episode of topple the dictator is quite bloody. Libya: The Swamp of Blood. And this Qaddafi dude is totally mad. Like freaking loony over the moon mad.

This is priceless...

"Qaddafi gave another speech this morning, reiterating his belief that the protesters are all youths driven out of their minds by “hallucinogenic drugs,” and sobbing over the “children of Libya” who litter the streets because he ordered his forces to murder them. In a new twist, he identified the Dr. Feelgood who has been supplying Libya’s children with hallucinogenic drugs as none other than the nefarious Obama bin Laden."

I think Qaddafi missed his calling. He should have been a Hollywood script-writer!