Friday, February 25, 2011

Oscar Buzz

Yeah, whatever. It's not really a contest is it? It would be one thing if everyone was making the same movie, and playing the same roles, I guess then you could have arguments about which performance/film was "the best" of the year. Still, even that's quite lame.

So I don't really care who wins. Lots of really, really great movies over the years were never even in the running right? You could compile an awesome list of films never considered for any damn award.

And everything but everything is a freaking contest now. So annoying...

So, no I didn't see all the nominated pictures, but I did see a few. Loved the Black Swan, and loved True Grit. Two very well-realized movies.

But I think the one that really catches the vibe of the times is The Social Network. An amazing piece of work. If it was fiction, you'd say totally implausible, unreal characters, couldn't happen. Of course, it's based on a non-fiction book and the characters and events actually freaking happened.

It's kind of the Citizen Kane of our time. It isn't a pretty story. It really shows the madness of our post-industrial, consumer-crazed, entertainment-all-the-time, socially networked paradise. It turns out it really does take a village to raise a Billionaire. And our billionaires are just needy nerds, pretty despicable, pathologically anti-social, and slightly teeth-grittingly, annoyingly, somewhat admirable too. That's if taking an idea and running with it to the back-stabbing, where are the bodies buried, bitter end is admirable. I mean, it worked for Zuckerberg, Mao Tse Tung, Osama Bin Laden and John Lennon, to name a few!

If there is a future, people of the future will watch this movie and be amazed, amused, and horrified that we lived in these times.