Thursday, November 25, 2010


As they say, life is not a "zero sum game." But of course, we actually play many games in a life. There's the main game - Life. Then there's all those little games: Family, Religion, Power, Military, Government, Money, Job, Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, Art.

Some games are fun, and some are a freaking chore. You can also play a fun game and make it a chore, or play a chore game and make it a freaking blast. You can choose the games you play, although sometimes games are thrust upon you by friends, enemies and FAMILY!

And some games are a "zero sum game." Some games are rigged. Take the Government & Power & Money games. It seems there are those who make the rules and there are those who play by those rules. It turns out the RULE-MAKERS play the game really well. Funny how the rules favor the RULE-MAKERS. And the RULE-MAKERS are always blathering on about how everyone needs to play by the rules.

And then there are the chumps, the marks, the commoners, the simple people who play those games by the rules. They think it's all a legitimate game and if they play well, hell, it's party time! Turns out that's pretty much a freaking myth. Here in America they call it the American Dream! They call it a dream for a reason!

Now of course, if you are playing the game of Life, these little games are important, but they aren't the main game. The main game is about LOVE, and HAPPINESS and HAVINGNESS. And LAUGHTER, and FORGETTING AND REMEMBERING. And the main game isn't zero sum.

So we can play lots of games, some we win, some we lose, some we refuse to play. And still finally we are left with LIFE. It's the best one and we MUST PLAY - that's why we are here!