Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Devil Spawn of Scarface

The God-fearing Western Capitalists were so afraid of that turbaned, bearded dude lurking in a cave in the mountains of Pakistan, they didn't notice that the BANKSTERS were living it up like Al Pacino in Scarface.

It turns out the death of Western Capitalism was brought by the Western Capitalists themselves.

And most of the politicians and the huddling masses still don't know that the game is up. So governments are shoveling mountains of bucks to the Banksters, hoping they will do the right thing. And of course the Banksters think the right thing is for them to continue living like the Devil Spawn of Scarface.

And we are all in thrall to their wealth. We bow down to it. We are such Piss-Ant Peasants. This experiment in Capital has failed miserably. When will we wake up?!